Google Search Status Dashboard

This page provides status information on the services that are part of Google Search. Check back here to view the current status of the services listed below. If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please contact Support. Learn more about what's posted on the dashboard in this FAQ. For additional information on these services, please visit

All incidents reported for Indexing


Summary Date Duration
Fresh content indexing issue 8 Jul 2024
1 hour, 50 minutes
Google Search is experiencing an indexing issue 20 Jun 2024
10 hours, 4 minutes
We're investigating an issue with indexing in Google Search. 31 Jan 2024
7 days, 12 hours


Summary Date Duration
Google Search is experiencing an indexing issue 21 Dec 2023
5 hours, 30 minutes
Google Search is experiencing an indexing issue 5 Oct 2023
5 hours, 50 minutes
Google News indexing is experiencing an ongoing issue 21 Jun 2023
23 days, 14 hours